Change-Maker Grant Application
This application is for the our Change-Maker Grant, which comes with up to $2,500 for you to pursue a community project you are interested in or passionate about, like an Eagle or Girl Scout project.
Our application deadlines are: January 15, April 15, July 15, and October 15, and we aim to provide decisions by the end of January, April, July, and October, respectively.
Submit this application.
We will be in touch to let you know whether we need more information and/or would like to schedule an interview. Typically, if you are seeking less than $250, we will not ask for an interview.
Prior to awarding the funds, we may ask for proof of cost.
If the applicant is under 18, the applicant's parent/guardian should submit this application on their behalf. In addition, if you need help completing this application, have any questions, or would like to submit any other materials in support of your application (e.g. a picture of you participating in the activity), please email
Any child up to grade 12 (or who is pursuing a GED) who lives in or goes to school in or near Licking County may apply for an award or scholarship. Groups of kids or students may apply as well. In evaluating each application, we consider:
Demonstrated interest/experience of understanding of the issue
Extent to which project will address the issue
Showing that funding will aid the project
Whether providing the funds will advance our values